Creating a culture of wellness
Holistic wellness is an approach that simultaneously addresses the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual components of your health.
meditationMeditations can help you to ease your response to stress, ground you, and bring a feeling of serenity and calm.
breathing exercisesBreathing exercises can help you centre yourself, and bring you back to calm amidst any storm.
common stretchesWhat are the most common stretches and exercises I suggest to clients? Click to find out.
Yoga for stress & AnxietyYoga poses can help greatly with stress and anxiety ... perform one or all in sequence.
daily stretchesNeed a general all over stretch? This series is great for daily use.
core strengtheningManage your back pain and improve your posture by strengthening supporting muscles.
*As with any exercise routine, go at your own pace and with in your own limits. Listen to what your body tells you, and modify the exercises as needed.