What are the most common stretches and exercises I suggest to clients?
Here they are ... the most common are the chest & anterior shoulder stretch and the resistance band row because so much of how we spend our time requires our arms in a forward position leading to tightness across the chest and a burning or aching in between the shoulder blades.
Check them all out ... try one or two ... they are here for you whenever you need!
Here they are ... the most common are the chest & anterior shoulder stretch and the resistance band row because so much of how we spend our time requires our arms in a forward position leading to tightness across the chest and a burning or aching in between the shoulder blades.
Check them all out ... try one or two ... they are here for you whenever you need!
Chest/Anterior Shoulder Stretch No. 1
Chest/Anterior Shoulder Stretch No. 2
Lateral trapezius Stretch
Lateral trapezius Stretch 2
... A little more stretch
Trapezius Stretch
Resistance Band Row
Quadriceps stretch
Hip Flexors Stretch
Glute Bridge
*As with any exercise routine, go at your own pace and with in your own limits. Listen to what your body tells you, and modify the exercises as needed.