What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese holistic light touch, energy-based modality that balances the normal energy flow in the body and enhances the body's innate healing abilities. It induces relaxation, reduces stress and initiates physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. Reiki is Universal Love. It is not limited to a religion, belief, race or space in time. It is much bigger than what we can comprehend, but it is important to know that Reiki can do no harm. What to expect during a Reiki treatment? Yοu will lay comfortably supported on the massage table, fully clothed with a blanket for added warmth if desired. The practitioner acts as a channel for the life force energy of the universe and uses gentle hand movements, on or slightly above your body, with the intention to guide this healthy energy into and around your body. Music, crystals, and a Tibetan singing bowl will be used to enhance your experience. Aromatherapy and Massage Therapy can be incorporated as well if desired. |
What are the benefits of Reiki?